The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Musical Theatre is designed to prepare students for success in the professional theatre industry. By combining conservatory-style training with a strong liberal arts education, our students explore, develop, and hone their craft to become well-rounded artists with valuable skill sets that will prepare them for professional success.
Our core departmental learning goals have been woven into all aspects of this rigorous four-year program from classroom and studio work, to rehearsals and productions in our mainstage season.
Decatur, IL
Liberal Arts
B.F.A. in Musical Theatre
Small (<10k Students)
One memorized contemporary monologue
Two songs
Students wishing to attend Chicago Auditions/Interviews must first apply to and be accepted by the Millikin Office of Admissions prior to scheduling an appointment.
Students who are pursuing studies in theatre may qualify for either a College of Fine Arts Scholarship or the prestigious Dean’s Scholarship for Excellence. These scholarships are based on talent or academic achievement and are awarded at the time of your audition. Students pursuing a B.A. degree may also apply for one of our competitive B.A. scholarships which are based on academic standing and require an interview and essay. Scholarships range from $1,000 to $5,000 and are renewable annually.
Showcase: senior professional development experience
Performance opportunities are available to students beginning in their first semester. All B.F.A. performance majors are required to audition for our mainstage season and freshmen are eligible for casting. Additional performance opportunities may include: Pipe Dreams Studio Theatre, a student run theatre company The Annual Children’s Show Student Cabarets The New Musicals Initiative Faculty Developed Works
Yes, as long as it doesn’t get in the way of academic standing and student health.
Mary Black
Assoc. Prof/Director of School of Theatre and Dance
(217) 424-6282
Mary Spencer
Administrative Assistant
Main Office
Shilling Hall, Room 211
MT-PREP offers a range of services to assist young actors as they prepare for college auditions. Please fill out the form below to get the process started!