The musical theatre program is a personalized, active program in which students will find opportunities for performance that may range from participation in a musical or opera, to singing in one of the Clarke University choral groups, to appearing in main stage dramatic productions. Students of the Clarke University musical theatre program will receive a strong background in the liberal arts, performance experience, and a solid course of study in the performing arts. Students will graduate with the necessary performance techniques, a knowledge of musical theatre literature and the historical perspective needed to become successful performers in musical theatre.
Dubuque, IA
Liberal Arts
BA in Musical Theatre
Small (<10k Students)
On-campus auditions for eligibility for scholarships
Scholarship require an audition:
MT Scholarships
Clarke University is pleased to offer Fine Art Talent Awards for excellence in performance to students who major in art, drama or music. Award amounts are determined after an audition and/or portfolio review.
Candidates must also apply to and be accepted for admission to Clarke, preferably prior to the audition. The deadline for competition for all Fine Art Talent Awards is April 15 of the year that the student will be enrolling at Clarke.
If a student is unable to visit Clarke and compete for a Fine Art Talent Award, the student may make other arrangements by contacting the Clarke Admissions Office.
Ellen Gabrielleschi, MFA
Professor of Drama & Musical Theatre
(563) 588-6384
MT-PREP offers a range of services to assist young actors as they prepare for college auditions. Please fill out the form below to get the process started!